Saturday, November 16, 2019


ClarkTheShark =====================================================================================  

 Greenhouse Effect Songs 1992 MISOGYNISTIA from the Rock Opera White Suburban Liar$. from Naruto Suzuki Japan on Vimeo. 

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THE WORLD WIDE INTERNET SEEMS TO BE THE "DOMIAN" OF CLARK 'THE SHARK" BABY !! AND HIS MUSIC IS EVERYWHERE !! "IT'S ALL ABOUT GETTING attention and entertaining people" Says Hagins in 2024 from his offices in Los Angeles CA ; "Its all about being # 1 World Wide but its also about quality music that is unique and completely different from anything else" exclaims Hagins for Rock City Boston; "My music has penetrated the America Psyche." ;

 Youtube Video 2009 - The September 1992 classic "Misogynistia" from Greenhouse Effect and Clark Hagins. This song is the lead off 'opening track" on the 16 Song 'The Rock Opera - White Suburban Liar$' which of course is an expansion upon 1991's 'Going Legit' Cd. "Shes a bitch and then you live" exclaims the classic chorus break of this well known South Bay (Redondo Beach / Torrance California) rock anthem of Los Angeles. Clark Hagins of course would get into tangles with magazines like Ben is dead and Bam Magazine as his desires to 'speak out' against liberal (and sometimes right-wing too) political ideas often got him in hot water as he rubbed practically everybody - and especially his own family in particular - the wrong way , 'the' independent thinker !! At only 5 foot 5' tall, it WAS virtually impossible for Hagins to ever get any respect or back up ,..but his music 'always' did the talking - with nothing but hit songs; WHITE BLACK THANG, STAR, BEN IS DEAD, IT AIN'T EASY, 22nd Street, People that won't back down, Search and Destroy, Dead End street, Manipulation, Addicted, America the beautiful,..and never-mind all the tunes in the great collection of pre-1991 that Hagins recorded alongside guitar master Phil Keegan (Dr. Phil) in the 'first' incarnation of Greenhouse Effect from 1985 til 1990 ! Keyboardist and Sound Producer Engineer Bill Krodel often played the synthesizer parts on G.e. songs and spoke highly of Hagins as one of the best people he ever recorded! "Misogynistia" and it's millions of views at Google is a stunner and has helped make G.e. into an  internet household word as this weird acoustic driven ambient song moves along hilariously displaying the pratfalls of good ol' 666 - THIS ONE IS A KEEPER ! NOTE; WOVEN IN HERE - is live footage of the song 'Ben is dead' at the important August 16, 1991 gig at the Hermosa Saloon where the Swami Haggins seems to be showing the crowd what the future of 1990's alternative rock n roll will look like ! 

"I'm very good at this shit ,.. THIS IS MY JOB ,..NO I AIN'T GONNA BE ALL FAKE AND HUMBLE ,.. ON HERE,.. I AIN'T gonna sugar-coat shit ,.. I write good songs and I work the internet ,..I am great at getting Seo and web traffic, the past,..people have gone to great lengths to TRY TO  ignore me ,.. they have gone out of their way ,.. oh ,..BUT THEY AIN'T IGNORING ME NOW BABY,.. ARE THEY ?? !!" BARKS THE SHARK,. 


HAGINS would play and carefully overdub practically ALL the instruments on the mighty Greenhouse Effect collection of songs ! And he was a 'leader' in the South Bay music scene,..often booking whole entire concerts of multiple bands - ALL BY HIMSELF - PUTTING out all the flyers and word on the street himself as if a one man "Blues Brothers' on a mission from God...while too, paying all the city Sound permit fees... ! With virtually no help from no one, no managers, few lawyers, no publicist, no agent, no nothin' hardly, Haggins damn near got Greenhouse Effect signed to a major label - BEFORE THE ALTERNATIVE ROCK BOOM !! - grabbing the attention of many A & R Personell with his great songs,... 

Ge were never signed and a tired Haggins gave up after some 7 years of trying in November 1992, BUT TODAY - ALL OVER THE INTERNET - GREENHOUSE EFFECT,..and all of their songs including the mega-hit "Brandy" LIVE AGAIN !!! IN 2009 !! 

THE FABULOUS GREENHOUSE EFFECT !!! TOO MANY HIT SONGS TO KEEP UP WITH !!!!  ========================= ====================== > ================================================ =======================================  
#Haggins wants #internet #Radio's to play more #Diverse sounding bands that do not stick to a #Style or #Genre   #Money "#Nft's are super #important #now, bands need to move with today's #Tech" says #Hagins.

Greenhouse Effect Songs Continue To Hold #1 Lead @Funky, Guba, Tv's "Misogynistia" // Los Angeles Music (Torrance Calif.). from Naruto Suzuki Japan on Vimeo.
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71,098,001 Views - Youtube Video 2008 - IT WOULD PROBABLY BE IMPOSSIBLE TO TALK About The Greenhouse Effect and their Vast collection Of Music Without Discussing THIS AMAZING SONG RIGHT HERE ; WRITTEN IN 1992 AND RECORDED literally in "about 15 minutes" By Clark Hagins , carefully drumming a track and then over-dubbing guitars , etc along with the workings of Studio Engineer "Producer" Wild Bill Krodel AND , CHEESEY ANGST ART ROCK PERFECTION ,.... AND YOU NO DOUBT HAVE HEARD THIS ONE MORE THAN A TIME OR TWO AT PLACES LIKE PANDORA AND JANGO RADIO FM !!! "WHEN I RECORDED THAT,... well ,..I knew I had "captured" back the essence of my earlier songwriting  work that I had performed long before working with Phil Keegan and Ted" Says Clark Hagins "And no doubt, this song has it all,.. melody,..lyrics,..and an almost 1980's like fucking really irritating vibe ,..yet the listener wants more,..this thing routinely scores a 93 and above at JANGO !! POPSCORE !! " The Song is a World Wide Classic and it's Web-Traffic is simply stellar online !! "This song has it all , is the apex of my politically incorrect feelings and lyrics put to song ,...I hate liberals ,..and this song is fucking beautiful" Says Haggins. The track almost grooves like a combination of the Police, Duran Duran, STING,  The Who , REM, the Beatles, Rush, Triumph, The Cure, Chicago, The Grass Roots,  and yet sounds ; LIKE NONE OF THESE !!  "PEOPLE SAY THAT I RIP OFF ALOTTA' SHIT ,..and I have been confronted online as being "Sorta like a Green Day like Douchebag who steals songs ,,...LOL,.. ..but NOBODY ,.... NOBODY SAYS FUCKING SHIT ABOUT THIS ONE !!! " Says Hagins. 
HAGINS BLOGS THAT 2022 has seen the "Huge Return" of his G.e Music to the scene and the "Glory Days" of 2005 to 2015 are definitely now being "revisited" ,.. "I think that people LOVE THE WAY THAT I WORK WITH CRYPTO ,.. THE WAY I HAVE INTEGRATED #BITCOIN INTO MY MUSIC AND BLOGGING IS WAY BEYOND GENIUS SHIT" Says Hagins In March 2022; "When people just "think" about crypto ,..they literally also "think" about G.e and it makes bitcoin KEEP #RISING ON THE CHARTS !!" ,... HAGINS SAYS HIS MUSIC "PUTS PEOPLE IN A GOOD MOOD despite the apparent negativity in most of the lyrics; "I don't think I am negative at all" Says Hagins "I am simply a realist pragmatic ,... Sorta like a good artful talk radio guy and the people love it ,..if it makes them BUY MORE BITCOIN WITH CASH APP THEN SO BE IT BABY,. !!..IT'S FUN TO BITCH ABOUT THE WORLD ,..BUT IT ALSO BRINGS CONVERSATIONS which means I help bring about "Solutions" to World Problems" says Hagins.  !!" ===================================================
Rock Opera - Greenhouse Songs 'Shes A Bitch' Lyrics - Misogynistia - Bmi Music 2008. Rock City. from Greenhouse Effect Boryja force on Vimeo.
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In Late 1992, Clark Hagins found a sudden inspiration to write three new songs as he lived with his Brother Paul at a Condo in Playa Del Rey California; "August 1992, to be Precise " Says Hagins. "I wrote three new tracks ; "Addicted", She's A Bitch ( Misogynistia ) , and the classic little Rocker "Five Years" ,...I remember the sunny day well ,.. I had been listening to stuff like Neil Young, The Stones Exile, and Patsy Cline on my brothers Cd Player, ... it got me real motivated !!" Hagins says that "Five Years" was actually written "some time" earlier in 1992 one morning as he drove up to Bel Aire to mow lawns at His Beverly Hills landscaping gig as hired by his Brother Greg Hagins; "I knew Five Years sounded like a hook ,.. right there,..that day in my car,..humming it, sounded like a hit tune !!,..a little bit Styx, the Stones, ,..maybe the Who" ( Laughs ) ,..there's this part in there that totally rips off the Stones,..I know ,..I know,..but it is essential !! " Haggins chose to go record the three new songs all on one session and all literally in first takes ,..feeling the inspirations ; "It's weird ya know ,... because these three songs sound world's apart,.. they don't sound ANYTHING alike at all !! " Wild Bill Krodel was quite useful in getting that "Big Sound" for G,e that Hagins demanded. "I asked Billy to lay down keyboards for Misogynistia ( She's A Bitch ) and his keys make the track AMAZING ,... ALMOST SOUNDS LIKE THE DOORS OR SOME SHIT !!" 'SHES' A BITCH' HAS BECOME NOW A G.E. CLASSIC ON THE WEB for Hagins; "There's probably three or four songs that G.e. cannot be without and that is definitely one of them !!" Says Haggins. " I HAD VERY little money back then and my band was in it's final days but Billy made me feel great ,.. which was kinda weird ,..'cause I'm used to people making me feel like fucking Worthless shit ,.. the good thing is though , might make the music better " ( Laughs ),...
Rock Opera 'White Suburban Liar$' Greenhouse Effect Music - 1992. from Greenhouse Effect Boryja force on Vimeo.
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Send An #Email To #Jango #Radio and DEMAND THAT THEY BRING BACK The "Weekly" #Popscore !!! #ChangeIsbad $$$$$ #Stop the #Greed @@ 

CLARK THE SHARK HAGINS See's "Everyday" as a bit of a dilemma problem; "I'm in prison with this shit ,.. ya see ,.. it's like I GOTTA KEEP DOING IT I gotta keep comin' up with money ,,. I'm talkin' about A LOTTA MONEY HERE PEOPLE - THIS SHIT IS EXPENSIVE HERE ! ( Laughs ) ,.. and there  is pressure ,,  ,..when You're in Greenhouse Effect ,.. it's sorta like bein' in Coldplay ,... People either love ya or hate ya ,..( Laughs ) ,.."I mean ,.. EVERYBODY KNOWS MY SONGS ,..EVERYBODY knows the lyrics , E V E R Y-BODY KNOWS ME and almost everything about me too ! .. and everybody seems to be entertained,.. they're ticked pink" Says Hagins for ROCK CITY BLOGGING 2013. "AND TRUE IT IS, THE SOUND OF GREENHOUSE EFFECT ( G.E ) HAS grown over the years into Hagins 800 Pound Gorilla; "Sometimes I just drink a ton of Coffee and I just start writing ,.. it's sorta like Lester Bangs or one of those Rolling Stone Magazine writer dudes back in the late 60's ,..70's ,..when they talk about doing a hella ton o' speed all night." ( Laughs ) says Hagins. "I mean people watch this shit,.. they buy my shit and they then try to blame ME FOR ALL MY SHIT !!" ( LOL ),... "Misogynistia" ( She's a bitch ) soars along as a bit of a contradiction to 'Coke Snorting' or "Number One",... "I tried to make more of a pop song that was easier to eat and digest here" Says Haggins. "I really wanted some fucked up lyrics when I wrote this shit " ( Laughs ) ,... If a song is "politically incorrect" and or anti Liberal in any way, then Hagins loves it; "I'm a Taurus ,.. I was born April 27 which is like one of the most "Conservative" days to be born ,.. but I don't think of myself as Hannity or Rush Limbaugh but with a guitar ,.. I'm much more like Howard Stern Ba-Ba Booey !" Barks a festive Hagins. "To me,.. MISOGYNISTIA IS PURE POETRY ,...IT'S FOR every skanky fucking chick whoever rejected me !!" ( Laughs ) ,... Hagins considers himself an internet "Prankster' having fun "fucking with people " ,.. but also writing the biggest and most awesome songs in cyberspace "This is a serious business" Says Haggins.  ,.. As G.e. seems to come well equipped with a multitude of hit after hit !! "Brandy" and the "Black And White" Song have gobbled up a massive Pop audience as other songs easily get into the "indie" and "Alternative rock" scenes with no problems ,.. "This is fun" says Hagins. "But I have to remember friends and family read and watch all this shit but they seem to love it ,... Google Analytics tells me no one is leavin' " ( LOL ),..

Hagins says he feels he is one of only about a handful of actually "Republican" or "Conservative" Leaning Musicians in the World or on the internet and it is highly unlikely there are any "others" as big as him. "Maybe Ted Nugent" Says Hagins "But that guy is a fucking Douchebag !!" 

Hagins says that having the abilities to write and be a bit of a comedian and making people laugh or feel happily entertained can be full-filling for him ,.. but it comes with a price; "Seems like I exhaust every brain cell on here,.. it's mentally tough" Says Hagins.  "Results May Vary" 

There are many people around the world who tire of Hagins' and his musical antics online as they implore that; "GREENHOUSE EFFECT IS NOT A REAL BAND,.. NEVER WAS ,. AND that Hagins is merely an Andy Kaufman type prankster pulling one of the World's Most Grandest Hoaxes ever off on AN ENTIRE PLANET for his own enjoyment ,.. TO WHICH HAGINS REPLIES; "G.e was and is very real and always will be,. G.e is real in the hearts and minds of millions of fans everywhere who use G.e to "hold on to hope" for theater of the absurdness and weirdness EVERYWHERE ! 

,...TO ME,.. THE RUTLES were more "real" than the Beatles,.. but then again so was Frank Zappa ! ,.. yes,'s true ,.. I have a keen interest in silly things that make no sense ,.. things like Spinal Tap, the Monkee's, Andy Kaufman, ,..the way that Andy was genius and how he fooled entire nations; that's hilarious man ; THAT'S G.E ALL THE FUCKING WAY BABY ,.. I TAKE THIS THING ALL THE WAY ,.. BEYOND IT'S LOGICAL CONCLUSION ,..and INTO the world of the Twilight Zone ,.. the World of the Unknown ,. and it's because how I feel that our very "LIFE" here on Earth is chaotic, it seems fake ,.. like it's all a movie,.. like the Truman Show or something  ,.. THAT'S G.E BABY ,.. GOD IS PUNKING ALL OF US ,.. AND HE THINKS THIS THING IS JUST SO DAMN FUNNY ,..WELL SO DO I BABY ! SO TOO ,..DOES CLARK THE SHARK !!" 

THERE ARE MULTITUDES of people ,..some even dedicated fans ,..that feel that G.e is nothing more than a figment of Hagins' own imagination ; "Well ,... Just like Gene Wilder said in Charlie and the Chocolate Factory motherfucker ! ,.. A little bit of nonsense now and then ,.. is relished by,..the wisest men,."

Hagins says he goes big or goes home ,.. when it comes to G.e ,.. and everything has to be absolutely perfect , capture the "Ultimate irony and always !" ; "Just like Neil Innes ( Ron Nasty ) ,.,.. I am a villain but also THE HERO in my play ,.. because THIS IS ALL YOUR PLAY ; THE ABSURDITY OF LIFE AND THE INSANITY OF THIS EARTH ! THIS IS YOU ! You cannot escape it here ,..and perhaps I am here to remind you ,..or something like that ( Laughs ),.. kinda like the Monkee's Head Movie" ,.. Extols Hagins; "I'm showing everyone just how retarded and fucked up we all are DUH !" Hagins is a huge "Andy believer ",...  and he feels that Andy Kaufman may still actually really uh "BE ALIVE" ,....; "COULD I FAKE MY OWN DEATH LIKE ANDY may have DID ? ,.. Do I have his LEVEL OF  genius ,.. the way be pulled off that amazing thing with the Pro Wrestler Jerry Lawler On Letterman ? ,.No fuck no ,.. I probably don't have that level of genius like Andy ,..or DO I ??? "

HAGINS FEELS HIS own "Life of calamities" had to have it's own goofy medium ,..and G.e seems to be the way as he hopes for a Grande Absurd Movie to be made "Once he gets funding or some backing for the project: "I have all these ideas for like this absurd Ray Davies / Zappa / Fee Waybill , really strange movie and yeah ,..though its been done before ,..I want to take everything to THAT NEXT LEVEL - WAY OVER THE TOP !! - BASICALLY LIKE ,..the story of Torrance California , narrated by me; the lead character,... AND IT'S A STORY THAT ONLY I CAN TELL !" 

POLITICS also seems to be an interest of Hagins; "Growing up in a place like the South Bay ,..the people were really stupid liberals ,..they believe in their government solutions , etc ,.. they all knit to the same queue ,... they are ALL VERY  afraid to be individualistic or unique OR DIFFERENT  ,.. they are always worried about other's views of them ,.. very sad little ordinary people ,.. THEY DO WHAT THEY ARE TOLD TO DO ! ,.. that is where I came from ,.. a very mundane run-of-the-mill cookie cutter atmosphere of fake phony people ,.. but G.e is always my salvation because G.e does NOT GIVE A SHIT WHAT THEY THINK OR SAY ABOUT IT !!,.. IT REALLY DOESN'T AND TO ME,.. that is the Ultimate strength ,. just to be purely retarded but in the end,.. it is YOU WHO HAS LIKE THE ONLY TRUTH AROUND TOWN !"  

HAGINS SAYS THAT PETE TOWNSHEND'S 1960'S WHO "AUTO DESTRUCTION" IS G.E but in another era ; "When music was great but also ,..when "Concepts" and ideas were great !" Says Hagins.  "The way that Pete suffered and had just like all these issues ,..and yet he was the biggest rock star there is ,..THAT'S FUCKING G.E STYLE ALL THE WAY RIGHT THERE BABY ! THAT'S WHY THEY FUCKING LOVE ME !" 

Hagins says he feels he is one of only about a handful of actually "Republican" or "Conservative" Leaning Musicians in the World or on the internet and it is highly unlikely there are any "others" as big as him. "Maybe Ted Nugent" Says Hagins "But that guy is a fucking Douchebag !!" 



c 1992 Bmi Music

Greenhouse Effect - Misogynistia lyrics

  Click to play this song!

Play "Misogynistia"
on Amazon Music Unlimited (ad)

I'll be good to you
You just be good to me
It's so damn easy
Lets just get along
It sounds so easy
But there's much more to it
Lovers understand
Fightings in demand
You're up against a corporation in me
Daddy good to me
Mommy good to me
Teacher good to me
And I'll be good you see
But on and on
We travel
Living by the lie
Life is just a bit (or bitch)
And then we die
666 - we've let him creep inside
Shes' a bitch and then you live
I don't know what to do
He's a nut and then you run
Home to mum'... oh God
I'll be what you want
Just be there for me
You do what you want
Just save your soul for me
Don't leave me in the cold
Without love
Young but old
Half the time we crumble
What the hell has happened?
There's no direct answer
She's a bitch... etc
Repeat chorus
Ha ha - You can't win...
She's A bitch and then...
Repeat... etc

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