Sunday, August 22, 2021


----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ROCK CITY RADIO FM 2024 KROKQ FM WORLD WIDE ==================================================================================

The track came together nicely one afternoon in 1992 at 251 Paseo De Gracia in TORRANCE CALIFORNIA but Clark "The Shark" Hagins says he "Perfected it" in Marina Del Rey Calif at a condo he moved into with his brother Paulie,.. "Paul was the lead singer of this pretty famous band around the South Bay called the Jades and I seriously thought Paul could be the next Mick Jagger, Bowie, Or Peter Gabriel" Says Hagins "It's a bummer he died 2011 a Virtual unknown in music !" Hagins gushes that his brother could have become a rock legend had he stuck to it but things like alcohol and drugs got in the way ,.. "I wanted to rock with him but eventually I forged my own path with the Greenhouse Effect and OF COURSE eventually we became naturals on the web ,..we communicate !" Says Hagins ,.. "We have become a very huge success but it takes a lot of work on here,, no doubt" says Haggins for Rock City Radio at his offices in San Diego Calif; "Today G.e exists as pretty much THE fucking awesome web entertainment,.. the internet is definitely our territory " says Haggins....

HAGGINS says he has tons of fun entertaining the masses world wide on the internet 2024... and that his job fulltime seems to "be a fucking douchebag....and keep people laughing and having a great time"
"I AM a fucking asshole....

WITH MILLIONS OF FANS EVERYWHERE ...and also in virtually every country on the globe,....HAGGINS says he gets pretty
"Creeped out" when people
Recognize him or stare...."people think that i am rich or something....( laughs ).....everybody asks me for money....but i lost everything to these crypto...schmucks....and just like everyone else.....Much of it during or just after the COVID ERA....I'm a driver for like life is pretty fucked.....""

"SHES A BITCH" STANDS OUT AS ONE OF THE BEST G.E SONGS and it is that first track you hear on the Rock Opera WHITE SUBURBAN LIARS ( 1992 ) on THE ORIGINAL 16 SONG CD,...the lyrics are biting and very powerful and the track is packed with plenty of HAGINS trademark items; great singing and that amazing creative drumming. ..etc.,,, and the rest is internet web history baby!!!!!...."I remember it wasn't put as the first song because I thought it was the best track but rather that I FELT IT "Set the Tone" for the album and "the story" says Hagins about growing up in the dysfunctional South Bay of Torrance and Redondo Beach Calif ,.. and the music is marked with that amazing almost Doors like keyboard solo that is performed by legendary South Bay Recording engineer Producer Bill Krodel ; "The Rock Opera White Suburban Liar$ is definitely influenced by albums like The Who TOMMY and Quadrophenia ,.." Barks Haggins. "Its a classic and just like those albums,..every song tells a story" Hagins considers himself a poet, "ALL AROUND" musician , lyricists and talk radio host even too WITH THE CLARK THE SHARK SHOW ON YOUTUBE... "MY TALK RADIO is edgy ,.. my album reviews very much have a special knowledge" says Hagins "I am a guy into Frank Zappa and people can sense I am not one to debate nor doubt !" HAGINS ALWAYS KNOWS WHAT HE IS TALKING ABOUT ,.. especially online ,..and the music certainly backs up the muse,...
"Blogging" is Haggins' communication passion and he gets a World Wide audience and he keeps his listeners "Hooked" with top  MUSIC TRACKS AND THEY KEEP COMING BACK !! 
Haggins seems to possess 
The magical internet abilities where
Whatever you're thinking or feeling
In the moment on the web or Googling 
Seems to go right directly to
Haggins and his song ideas and you're day
Is 'affected";
"If you're having a shitty day.... I'll maybe make it WORSE !!!...OR MAYBE BETTER,,!!!!"
says Haggins .....

ROCK CITY RADIO FM WORLD WIDE is the way that Hagins markets his music to THE MASSES and everything seems to be linked back into Hagins' own personal life which runs like an Algo-wrthym ; "When people Google virtually any words that deal with just about anything, they get to me ,.. I guess God thinks I'm really important ! ( Laughs )" says Hagins in March 2022. "I don't want people to think I am miserable or sad because I really am not ,..and if I am , it isn't because of me ,'s because of other fucking people !" Barks Hagins. "I want people to be happy, study real life, ..and earn crypto ,..I want to help people ,. maybe not make the same mistakes as the way ,...people treated me long ago ,..or the mistakes I myself have made in life over the years ,..I am by no means perfect here ,... I am always still learning , a constant perpetual state of flux ,... I feel my music actually tells a peaceful narrative ,..I want to be a peace-maker,."  "People actually can get into a good "Mood' because of ME ,.. AND IT ALSO MAKES BITCOIN "GO UP" on the charts daily !! ,..I want to make people happy and educated about their finances ,..I think that people like Vladimir #Putin are negative ,.. Look what this Asshole has done to #Ukraine !!"

GREENHOUSE EFFECT MUSIC IS at a high level of entertainment and Hagins takes the music business very seriously and has to assure fans that his music is "Christian Rock" but that it is "Accurate" as it keeps things real; "I remember my dad used to cuss ,..but he was very holy ,.. a Great man ,.. and I don't think I can ever attain his level of Greatness,.. Let me remind you all that Gary B. Hagins was a genius Catholic writer , A GENIUS PUBLIC SCHOOL TEACHER AT PALOS VERDES HIGH SCHOOL, and he was an expert speaker, etc,.. I'm not sure if he was always the greatest dad but he had so much on his mind ,..I would often catch him talking to himself and I do that TOO !! ,..HIS students all over the United States love him and about 3000 of them have emailed me and they say nice things such as that "I remind them of him" which brings a tear to my eyes,.. My Dad wrote so many books about the Catholic Faith and I am very torn when it comes to religion ,.. I just want to pray ,.. I am very uneasy about going to church because it seems so fake and it often is just people with money showing off what they got ,..but I donno' ,.. In Misogynistia , when I mention 666 ,.I am being very serious ,.. Satan is very much in control of our World but with Christ,..and prayer,..I feel souls can be saved ,.. I feel that my song is a warning sorta how my dad's books were a warning ,.. he wrote an amazing book called "A Snake in God's House" about how liberals have infiltrated the faith ,.. well ,..when I go to sleep ,..I make sure to pray and I always remind others and my wife to make sure they do,..because you just never know ,.. a lot of people ask me "why didn't God just make this matrix thing ALL  Heaven ALREADY ? ,..why is this all a test ? and I say; I beg your pardon ,..God never promised you a rose garden ,.." Hagins says that he see's life kinda like the NHL , is a fight , the death or to Victory ,.. "I'd say goin' to Heaven is like winning the Stanley Cup ,'s hard work but Christ said; "My Burden is Light,.. " @@ @@ --- --------------------  ------------------------------ #Buy All the G.e. Classics ( AGAIN !! ) THIS TIME REMIXED ! $$ JUST 0.99 #Cents #itunes #Sale ; ========== Rock Opera - Greenhouse Songs 'Shes A Bitch' Lyrics - Misogynistia - Bmi Music 2008. Rock City. from Naruto Suzuki Japan on Vimeo.===================

Shes A Bitch.....And Then You live - Greenhouse Effect Bmi - Mega Hit Songs Of The Internet 2011 - Facebook Ads 2010. from Greenhouse Effect Boryja force on Vimeo.     MISOGYNISTIA ! THIS CLASSIC SAILS along with it's own legendary grace as it instantly enshrines itself into your brain as YOU KNOW YOU'VE HEARD THIS THING BEFORE ! Somewhere,.. well ,..of course, you have heard it and 160 "other" G.e. Songs ALL OVER THE WEB ! AS G.E continues to establish itself as one of the most listened to things in cyberspace ON PLANET EARTH !! AND IN OVER 200 COUNTRIES ,.. "I DON'T EVEN KNOW IF THERE 'ARE" 200 COUNTRIES" Says Clark Haggins in 2021; "ALL I KNOW FOR SURE IS G.E. HAS ROCKED THEM ALL !!" - "JUST LIKE BON JOVI ( LOL ) ,..I've seen a million faces,..and I've rocked them all !"

Hagins says that he simply "Envisions A World" where there is cheap rent everywhere and cheap affordable interest rates where EVERYONE CAN AFFORD A HOME AND THERE IS NO MORE HOMELESS  as he says : "Some people call me a communist and some people call me some insane ultra conservative ,..I just call it "Common sense,.. there needs to be rent control EVERYWHERE ACROSS THE WHOLE UNITED STATES; AND ALL 50 STATES BABY !!,..WHEN GOVERNMENT ALLOWS GREED IN HOUSING,.. THAT IS WHEN we have hit a catastrophic state ! I don't care about the price of eggs or Coke or Pepsi or butter ,..or my cell phone but when it comes to a roof over my head; THAT'S WHERE I FEEL WE NEED CONTROLS BABY !!"

Hagins says that in the past, he has tried to "play nice" and write plain "friendly bland biographies" about G.e and all the songs but  that is when people from his hometown area of The South Bay( and other places too ) will come on and comment "mean things" directed at  Hagins; "These people have ,.. in the past ,..had nothing kind or supportive to ever say about me and my music, etc,.. or practically ANYTHING that I do ,.. and nothing has changed I see,.. So I have to "Always" be on offence on here, if some kinda dick ,. but it's the only way to shut them up and keep them quiet,..and it works !" Hagins says that writing a lotta' shit ,..only to get mean and hurtful negative comments ,..needs some kind of antidote "response" and maybe "in advance" ; "I know they are gonna say mean shit about me ,..they may even try to bring up the past and embarrass me , I have to be ready for these little no talent goons and ghoulies on here,,." 

"Back in my Youtube days ,.. the negative hurtful one on ones got so bad ,..that I believe Youtube would delete my accounts, not wanting to partake in the drama's ,.. they would just ban me ,.. that's one more bad thing about when people hate ya on here,.."   

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Amazon's Hottest Songs 2012 - 'Misogynistia' The Greenhouse Effect Rock the Return Of Grunge !! BMI MUSIC 2012. from GraffinSun on Vimeo. ========================================= ; ===========================================================================  $$ 1.99 #Buy 3 #Tracks ?? 

==================================================================  Clark the Shark digs up "Old Blogs" from a while ago and dusts them off , Ones that he finds still ironic and funny enough ,.. as he can still "use them" in today's times,..and finds an example from the Blip Tv era ; 

CLARK THE SHARK HAGINS See's "Everyday" as a bit of a dilemma problem; 

"I'm in prison with this shit ,.. ya see ,.. it's like I GOTTA KEEP DOING IT ,.. and there  is pressure ,, there's no way out here !  ,..when You're in Greenhouse Effect ,.. it's sorta like bein' in Coldplay ,... People either love ya or hate ya ,..( Laughs ) ,.."I mean ,.. EVERYBODY KNOWS MY SONGS ,.. EVERYBODY knows the lyrics ,.. and everybody seems to be entertained,.. they're tickled pink,... they fuckin' LOVE IT ,... this all reminds me a lot of a concept like "The Tubes Remote Control" or the Kinks "Star Maker" ,.. and I am playing God here,..  I am definitely in the driver's seat !!" Says Hagins for ROCK CITY BLOGGING 2013.  

"It's almost like ,.. if you "Don't" like or understand G.e ,.. the joke is ON YOU ,.. EVEN MORE THAN IF YOU LIKE IT ( LAUGHS ) ,.. I GUESS YA just gotta be into Zappa to understand all this shit" 

Zappa's 1968 Epic "We're only in it for the money" has long been one of Hagins' favorite Rock Opera concepts and he constantly has tried to "Recreate it" ,.. but of course through the muse of G.e.

 "AND TRUE IT IS, THE SOUND OF GREENHOUSE EFFECT ( G.E ) HAS grown over the years into Hagins 800 Pound Gorilla; "Sometimes I just drink a ton of Coffee and I just start writing ,.. it's sorta like Lester Bangs or one of those Rolling Stone Magazine writer dudes back in the late 60's ,..70's ,..when they talk about doing a 'hella ton o' speed all night." ( Laughs ) says Hagins. "I mean people watch this shit,.. they buy my shit and they then try to blame ME FOR ALL MY SHIT ,..or their shit too ,,!!" ( LOL ),... "Misogynistia" ( She's a bitch ) soars along as a bit of a contradiction to 'Coke Snorting' or "Number One",... "I tried to make more of a pop song that was easier to eat and digest here" Says Haggins. "I really wanted some fucked up lyrics when I wrote this shit " ( Laughs ) ,... If a song is "politically incorrect" and or anti Liberal in any way, then Hagins loves it; "I'm a Taurus ,.. I was born April 27 which is like one of the most "Conservative" days to be born ,.. but I don't think of myself as Hannity or Rush Limbaugh but with a guitar ,.. I'm much more like Howard Stern Ba-Ba Booey !" Barks a festive Hagins. 

"To me,.. MISOGYNISTIA IS PURE POETRY ,... IT'S FOR every skanky fucking chick whoever rejected me !!" ( Laughs ) ,... Hagins considers himself an internet "Prankster' having fun "fucking with people " ,.. but also writing the biggest and most awesome songs in cyberspace,.... AND ALL OVER THE WHOLE ENTIRE WORLD !! "This is a serious business" Says Haggins.  ,.. As G.e. seems to come well equipped with a multitude of hit SONGS ,... HIT after hit !! "Brandy" and the "Black And White" Song have gobbled up a Massive Pop audience as other songs easily get into the "indie" and "Alternative rock" scenes with no problems ,.. "This is fun" says Hagins. "But I have to remember friends and family read and watch all this shit but they seem to love it ,... Google Analytics tells me no one is leavin' " ( LOL ),..

There are many people around the world who tire of Hagins' and his musical antics online as they implore that; "GREENHOUSE EFFECT IS NOT A REAL BAND,.. NEVER WAS ,. AND that Hagins is merely an Andy Kaufman type prankster pulling one of the World's Most Grandest Hoaxes ever off on AN ENTIRE PLANET for his own enjoyment ,.. TO WHICH HAGINS REPLIES; "G.e was and is very real and always will be,. G.e is real in the hearts and minds of millions of fans everywhere who use G.e to "hold on to hope" for theater of the absurdness and weirdness EVERYWHERE ! 

,...TO ME,.. THE RUTLES were more "real" than the Beatles,.. but then again so was Frank Zappa ! ,.. yes,'s true ,.. I have a keen interest in silly things that make no sense ,.. things like Spinal Tap, the Monkee's, Andy Kaufman, ,..the way that Andy was genius and how he fooled entire nations; that's hilarious man ; THAT'S G.E ALL THE FUCKING WAY BABY ,.. I TAKE THIS THING ALL THE WAY ,.. BEYOND IT'S LOGICAL CONCLUSION ,.. and INTO the world of the Twilight Zone ,.. the World of the Unknown ,. and it's because how I feel that our very "LIFE" here on Earth is chaotic, it seems fake ,.. like it's all a movie,.. like the Truman Show or something  ,.. THAT'S G.E BABY ,.. GOD IS PUNKING ALL OF US ,.. AND HE THINKS THIS THING IS JUST SO DAMN FUNNY ,..WELL SO DO I BABY ! SO TOO ,..DOES CLARK THE SHARK !!" 

THERE ARE MULTITUDES of people ,.. some even dedicated fans ,.. that feel that G.e is nothing more than a figment of Hagins' own imagination , which Hagins replies; "Well ,... Just like Gene Wilder said in Charlie and the Chocolate Factory motherfucker ! ,.. A little bit of nonsense now and then ,.. is relished by,.. the wisest men,."   

Hagins says he goes big or goes home ,.. when it comes to G.e ,.. and everything has to be absolutely perfect , capture the "Ultimate irony and always !" ; "Just like Neil Innes ( Ron Nasty ) ,.,.. I am a villain but also THE HERO in my play ,.. because THIS IS ALL YOUR PLAY ; THE ABSURDITY OF LIFE AND THE INSANITY OF THIS EARTH ! THIS IS YOU ! You cannot escape it here ,.. and perhaps I am here to remind you ,.. or something like that ( Laughs ),.. kinda like the Monkee's Head Movie" ,.. Extols Hagins; "I'm showing everyone just how retarded and fucked up we all are DUH,...AS IF you don't know already ,.. !" Hagins is a huge "Andy believer ",...  and he feels that Andy Kaufman may still actually really uh "BE ALIVE" ,....; "COULD I FAKE MY OWN DEATH LIKE ANDY may have DID ? ,.. Do I have his LEVEL OF  genius ,.. the way be pulled off that amazing thing with the Pro Wrestler Jerry Lawler On Letterman ? ,.No fuck no ,.. I probably don't have that level of genius like Andy ,..or DO I ??? " 

HAGINS FEELS HIS own "Life of calamities" had to have it's own goofy medium ,..and G.e seems to be the way as he hopes for a Grande Absurd Movie to be made "Once he gets funding or some backing for the project: "I have all these ideas for like this absurd Ray Davies / Zappa / Fee Waybill , really strange movie and yeah ,..though its been done before ,..I want to take everything to THAT NEXT LEVEL - WAY OVER THE TOP !! - BASICALLY LIKE ,..the story of Torrance California , narrated by me; the lead character,... AND IT'S A STORY THAT ONLY I CAN TELL !" 

Hagins says he feels he is one of only about a handful of actually "Republican" or "Conservative" Leaning Musicians in the World or on the internet and it is highly unlikely there are any "others" as big as him. "Maybe Ted Nugent" Says Hagins "But that guy is a fucking Douchebag !!"

Hagins says that G.e should come with a "Warning Label' as in "You have entered the Twilight Zone ,.. of G.e !" 

As he explains; "The way I see this reality ,.. it's almost like 'Strawberry Fields forever" ,..where "Nothing is real" NOT ME ,..NOT YOU ,.. THIS IS JUST ALL MY WACKY DREAM ,.. AND YOU'RE ALL LIVING IN IT ! ,.. THIS IS "THEE' ROCK OPERA ,...and you're all in my play ,.. that I WROTE !!!"

So was it really true that Hagins comes from an abusive household back in the 1970's/ 80'S ,..  where as a child , he was tortured, mistreated, locked in rooms, etc ?  "Well ,... THAT PARTS REALLY TRUE !" Says Hagins; "Don't get me wrong ,.. the story of the Greenhouse Effect is all 100 % Accurate and 'there really WAS' A BAND ,..BUT WHAT I DEFINITELY DO on here,..for maximum 'Entertainment Value" is I certainly EMBELLISH upon it all , ,'s not all in good fun on here,..THIS IS A SERIOUS ,..TRUE STORY ,.,..THIS IS A USA HILLBILLY STORY like maybe straight outta Appalachia ,,..or some shit,.  ,.BUT I donno ,... LIKE THE WHO TOMMY ,.. IT'S LIKE AS IF ,.. JOE DIRT AND BRANDY ,..except it's almost like ,.I WROTE the JOE DIRT SCRIPT ,..AND IT GOT RIPPED OFF or something ,.. it's hard to follow along here,.. but then again, it's real quite easy ,..just watch the Twilight Zone a lot ,..and you may slowly start to ,..UNDERSTAND THE CONCEPT ,..OF G.E,.. " ( Laughs ),.. "G.e is a story that was real ,.. but people cannot "believe" that IT REALLY WAS REAL !" 

"Andy Kaufman might have been damn Proud !"


September 27, 1947 – January 20, 2022

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Greenhouse Effect

"Misogynistia" Lyrics  

Greenhouse Effect - Misogynistia lyrics

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Greenhouse Effect Music

c 1998 - 2021

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